September 27, 2017

We rely on our Free Methodist Universities to provide wisdom and guidance to our denomination.  The religion department of our university in Seattle, Seattle Pacific University has done just that in this statement.  This has been affirmed by our Free Methodist Schools of Theology of our Universities:

The Statement on Racial Justice has been signed by the Theology faculty of five Free Methodist schools:

School of Theology at Seattle Pacific University and Seminary
School of Theology at Azusa Pacific University and Seminary
Bastian School of Theology at Greenville University
School of Theology at Roberts Wesleyan College and Northeastern Seminary
Department of Theology at Spring Arbor University

In cooperation with SPU’s John Perkins Center and Office of University Ministries our theologians give this guidance:

Statement of Solidarity and Commitment to Action

As Christian leaders, we commit ourselves to the call of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to stand with those who experience discrimination and racism.  We commit ourselves to challenge expressions of racism occurring in various institutions of our nation, such as law enforcement, the legal system, the educational system, political structures, and the Church.

We repent for the ways Christians have been and still are complicit participants in these injustices.  In light of our history and recent events in our nation, we believe it is necessary to reaffirm our commitment to reject ethnic nationalism, injustice, and violence.

We thank God for all who pursue Biblical justice, reconciliation, and the creation of church and civil communities that guard all people’s rights and well-being.  We reaffirm God’s call to churches to proclaim and embody the prophetic and redemptive message of our Lord—that true peace and reconciliation require justice.

We make this declaration in humble recognition that justice is not brought about by proclamations alone, but by the redemptive and sanctifying work of the triune God.  Lives that fulfill, by grace, the biblical command to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8) serve as active signs of God’s salvific work.  To that end, we affirm this declaration as a marker to shape our work in the congregations, organizations, and institutions we have the privilege of serving.

We pledge:

  • To educate our congregations, organizations, and institutions about all forms of injustice in our society and particularly, at this time, to oppose ethnic nationalism and white supremacy, racial prejudice, and racial discrimination as unbiblical.
  • To open our hearts, homes, fellowship, and corporate gatherings to share our lives with people from backgrounds other than our own so that together we may embody the quality of human community God intends for all people to enjoy.
  • To participate in alliances and strategies to pursue racial justice in our community, including ensuring access to quality public education for all children, access to quality health care unconstrained by financial means, access to affordable and decent housing, and access to meaningful and life-sustaining work unimpeded by gender, ethnicity, or physical disability.
  • To call on our community members to oppose public policies and political actions that further ethnic privilege and prejudice; and to urge our political leaders to support policies that further justice and end systemic racial discrimination.

We make this pledge in reliance on the wisdom and grace of God, and commit our lives and work to be measured by and accountable to the call of the triune God.


For the entire proclamation click here.