Free Methodist Church USA "let there be light" with Dove-Flame Mark. Orange and Blue.

seeking together

A Call to Faithful Prayer

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Our Bishops Call Us to Join in Daily Fasting and Prayer.

Together, let’s seek the Lord for the Church. There are four weekly topics led by our Superintendents and other leaders. As we humbly fast and pray, we seek the Lord together as a unified Church, for Him to hear us and answer.

seeking together Fasting Guide

Download and use the fasting guide titled When You Fast for valuable insights into how to fast as you pray. Not only do we need to consider what we fast from, but what we are fasting for. The benefits always outweigh the sacrifice. Join us in meaningful fasting throughout September.

seeking together Media Kit

Download and use the Seeking Together media kit. In this collection you’ll find social media graphics as well as PowerPoint slides to promote this prayer initiative to your conferences and churches.

seeking together Subscribe

Subscribe to our daily email list to receive daily prompts directly in your inbox.

seeking together Instrucciones de subtítulos en español

Week 1: Turning to God / Repentance

September 3rd

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Pray that the Lord will search our hearts, forgive us for our sins, and help us to focus on being holy.
  • Pray that the Lord helps us to be fruitful by pruning away any of our complacency and comfort so that we may move toward fervent prayer and fasting.
  • Pray for our Lord to awaken us to life that is truly life in Christ so that we may reach new depths of relationship with Him as we serve as ambassadors for Him and His Kingdom.

September 4th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Pray and confess your secret sin(s) and ask for forgiveness to be set free. (Joshua 7:1; 13)
  • Pray that the Lord forgives any secret sins that may have caused harm and ask for His healing. (Luke 8:17)
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you toward healing and restoration so that you may be a source of life-giving holiness to others. (James 5:16)

September 5th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Pray through 2 Chronicles 7:13-14.
  • Pray that our Lord will forgive our transgressions and heal our Church body so that we stay focused on His will surrounded by His redemptive and restorative love.

September 6th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Take a moment to be still and invite the Holy Spirit to speak: Is there an attitude of self-righteousness or cynicism which calls for repentance?
  • Am I willing to surrender these patterns to the Lord and turn a new direction?
  • Take time to praise the Lord for HIs grace and forgiveness and a fresh beginning.

September 7th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Pray Psalm 139:23-24 throughout the day. Personalize it if that would be helpful for you. 
  • Ask God to help you have a willing heart when it comes to repentance.
  • End the day with a song of joyful praise for God’s love which corrects and forgives you as His child.

September 8th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Set aside time in prayer today to simply listen to what God is speaking into your life.
  • Ask Him to search your heart and reveal those areas in which you need to repent and live in unwavering obedience to Him.
  • Pray for the church and for the denomination, asking God to align our hearts with His as we seek and serve Him.

September 9th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • When I think about being holy, how much do I think is up to me … as opposed to what God is continuing to do in and through me?
  • When I stumble and fall, how quickly do I repent and seek God’s forgiving grace …?
    What is keeping me from growing in grace, for which I need to repent?

Week 2: Awaken Your Church, Lord

September 10th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Look for the Holy Spirit to speak to you as we go over Scripture and through prayer. Refer to Matthew 6:6, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Joel 1:13-15, Joel 2:1, Joel 2:12-17, and Revelation 3:8.
  • Father, we see this time together as a call from You because You want to speak to us. We come to listen. Speak to us personally and corporately as a church so we go into this secret place, and we shut everything out to hear from You.
  • Father, we come to seek You, to seek Your face. Father, forgive our sins. Heal what divides us. Father, do something fresh among us. We pray for healing in our families. We pray for healing in our church. We pray for healing in our land. We pray for healing around the world.

September 11th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Refer to Psalm 121:1
  • Awaken us from Death to Life
  • Awaken us from Doomscrolling through life
  • Awaken us from Distance from God

September 12th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Pray that we are awakened and don’t settle for less than all the Father has for us as sons and daughters, as servants and then stewards of the Kingdom.
  • Pray that we live out Joshua 1:8-9 and Ezekiel 3:10-11, so that we love like Jesus and lead like Jesus.
  • Pray that we surrender daily and seek not to be right but seek to be righteous as one can be right and not righteous. May His righteousness rain down upon us!

September 13th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Please wake us up with these words from Keith Green:

“The world is sleeping in the dark

That the church just can’t fight

‘Cause it’s asleep in the light.”

  • With all the loud social and political voices around me, please open my spiritual ears to hear what You are saying to Your church.
  • Please wake me up to overcoming the divisiveness in our world with Jesus’ way of self-sacrificing love and my testimony of words and deeds.

September 14th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Pray for unity in the church. Are there any ways you have contributed to divisions in the church? Anything you need to confess?
  • Pray for God’s mighty work and power in our world. Where are you longing to see God show up in power?
  • Pray for God’s vision of a church unified and on mission. Where is God calling you to be an ambassador for Christ?

September 15th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Refer to Zechariah 4:6, ESV
    Holy Spirit, fill us to overflowing so that we may serve and minister from our abundance.
  • Lord, awaken Your Church by Your Spirit, empowering us to fulfill Your will in our communities.
  • Father, guide us with the wisdom and creativity of the Holy Spirit as we seek to engage our world for Christ.

September 16th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Lord, open my eyes to see as You see.
  • Lord, open my eyes to see the unseen spiritual dynamics at work in the world.
  • Lord, open my eyes to see what You are doing and saying, that I may partner with You in it.

Week 3: The Next Generation

September 17th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Pray that the Spirit would make you willing to live sacrificially for people of a different generation and take your place as a spiritual mother or father in the church. If you are Gen Z, ask the Lord for followers of Jesus who will love you and help you grow deep roots in the love of Christ. Ask the Spirit what this might look like in your family, church and community in this present time. 
  • Pray that teens and young adults will encounter the unfailing love of God that lifts them up and never lets them down. Ask boldly for the love and power of God to set them free from anxiety and bring them joy all their lives. Pray for any others you know who are suffering with anxiety.
  • Memorize Psalm 94:18-19. Ask God for opportunities to encourage someone in Gen Z with how this has been true in your life. Pray throughout the day, “Lord, use me as a witness of your goodness.”

September 18th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Let’s repent of the ways that we have ignored, neglected, sidelined, or pushed away the next generation because of our preferences, pride, legalism, or prioritization of our traditions, systems, and structures above the mission of Jesus.
  • Pray that God will reveal Himself clearly to the next generation in your community and across the Free Methodist Church nationally and globally.
  • Pray that God would raise up mentors, spiritual mothers and fathers to help the next generation discern and respond to God’s call on their lives. Ask the Holy Spirit, “What young person are You calling me to encourage or invest in?”

September 19th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Lord, help us see the ‘next generation’ through Your eyes. Give us wisdom to know when to lead and when to follow, when to speak and when to listen. Grant us humility and vision for Your larger story.
    • Pause and acknowledge the Lord as the main character of your story. Recognize that you are not the center.
    • Pray for discernment in identifying and nurturing the ‘next’ in our lives and ministries.
    • Pray for courage to open new doors and keep old ones open for those coming after us.

September 20th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Begin with 1 Timothy 4:12-14 – use this verse to guide your prayers for the next generation.
  • Begin with Psalm 71:18 – for those of us who are along in years, let this verse guide our prayers to leave a spiritual legacy.

September 21st

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • “We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done” (Psalm 78:4).
    • Pray that God would give us boldness and unoffendable hearts to sit with the next generation of leaders.
    • Pray that God’s power in our churches may be passed to the next generation. Help the next generation encounter and experience God’s power in new and fresh ways starting today.

September 22nd

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Prayer Prompts for Today

Refer to John 4:4-38

  • Lord, open our eyes today.
  • Jesus, what is my food?
  • God, what is Your will?
  • Holy Spirit, how can I join Your work today?

September 23rd

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Prayer Prompts for Today

Refer to Ephesians 4:29

  • Thank God for those who encourage you.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to show you a young person you can build up.
  • Confess to the Lord, if there is someone you have a hard time believing in. Invite the Holy Spirit to give you ways to build them up.

Week 4: Leaders In the Church and Society

September 24th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Refer to 1 Timothy 2:1-4
    • Confess the ways you have failed to pray for our spiritual and civil leaders.
    • Pray for the salvation and the wise governing of all our civil leaders.
    • Pray for our spiritual leaders (pastors, superintendents, Bishops) to receive a fresh anointing of the Spirit to lead us further into a Spirit-fueled gospel movement.

September 25th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Refer to Luke 10:19, Matthew 28:18-20
  • Pray that the Spirit demolishes any strongholds which keep the church inwardly focused and comfortable distracting us from fulfilling Christ’s mission in our day.
  • Pray that the people in the Free Methodist Church would experience a dramatic paradigm shift from a passive and private faith to an active robust corporate witness where we live, work and play.
  • Pray that the Spirit would activate workers by filling their hearts with love and thrusting them into the harvest fields which are indeed ripe.

September 26th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Refer to Matthew 9:35-38
  • Pray that leaders’ lives and characters reflect who Jesus wants them to be. Pray that our Lord helps leadership see the fruitfulness that Jesus wants them to bear.
  • Pray that people would invest in the lives of others to help develop them for God’s Kingdom work.
  • Pray that as disciples of Jesus Christ, whether we are pastors, leaders, or individuals in various vocations, we may dedicate ourselves to inviting and investing in others, thereby cultivating more workers for the harvest.

September 27th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Refer to Psalm 32:8, Psalm 27:1, James 1:5
    • Thank our Lord for His presence during every season of life.
    • Lift up in prayer ministry leaders, political leaders, and families who are experiencing transitions for our Lord to provide His guidance and comfort to all.
    • Pray to our Lord that people will place their trust in Him instead of themselves during periods of change, and that He will fortify all through His Son, Jesus Christ. Ask our Father to provide His wisdom for the journey ahead.

September 28th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Pray through Luke 10:2 for a spiritual Harvest where you work, live, learn or play.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal a person of peace that God has designed to be a Kingdom leader.
  • Ask God to empower you to be the person to lead them to a personal relationship with Christ and to disciple them into leadership for the Kingdom.

September 29th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Refer to 1 Peter 2:11-12, Ephesians 4:2-4, Matthew 5:9
  • Lord, remind us that leadership is not about power or winning arguments, but about serving others and reflecting Your love. Guide our actions so that others may see Jesus in the way we live, speak, and treat those around us.
  • Lord, help us to listen with open hearts and respond with grace. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide us as we speak truth in love. May our words and actions bring others closer to You, even in times of disagreement.
  • Lord, help us to live out Your Word in our actions and relationships. Let love be our guide as we work to preserve unity through peace.

September 30th

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Prayer Prompts for Today

  • Heart – Pray for unity in your own heart with Jesus
  • Home – Pray for unity over your family
  • Harvest – Pray for unity in your church community and neighborhood
  • Horizon – Pray for unity in our nation, election and globe

October 1st

Dear Praying Friends,

As we draw “Seeking Together” to a close, our Bishops joined us live on Facebook to share their thoughts and prayers with us. Thank you for being a part of a movement of prayer that reached thousands of people. Adding your prayer and fasting to the choir of voices was a blessing in countless ways. We’re attaching the link to the video so you can listen in. 

Please continue to pray that our Lord will ignite a Spirit-fueled movement that catalyzes the multiplication of leaders and churches for His glory. We pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen and Amen.