Position Papers of the Free Methodist Church USA
Pastoral Letter on Homosexuality
Pastoral Letter on Homosexuality
In this day of persistent and often confusing voices around the issue of homosexuality, we offer this pastoral letter to bring clarity and guidance for how we, as Free Methodists, live out our stated convictions on this matter while loving all people and honoring the worth ascribed to them when God created humanity in His own image.
Women in Church Leadership
A Biblical Understanding of Women in Church Leadership
A Position Paper of the Free Methodist Church USA
One of our most cherished values is to center ourselves on God-given revelation from the Scriptures. We reject an assumption commonly made that affirmation of women in church leadership requires a disregard for Scripture. In fact, we base our understanding of the roles and responsibilities of women in the church upon the historical redemptive story throughout the whole of the Scriptures, and seek to understand every passage in its literary, cultural and social contexts.
Racial Unity
Racial Unity
A Position Paper of the Free Methodist Church USA
The Free Methodist Church endeavors to honor and include people from all races, cultures, and ethnicities as made in the image of God and welcome them among every aspect of leadership and membership of the Free Methodist Church.
While the Free Methodist Church seeks to bring the good news of Jesus’ love and redemption to all people, it must be recognized that racial inequality is a part of global church history including the history of the Free Methodist Church. Our world history includes slavery, colonization, and the deconstruction of indigenous communities. Jesus’ ministry, by contrast, has always been clear: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:30-31). Our understanding of “neighbor” must extend beyond monocultural experiences to include all people: People of color, and people with experiences not like our own. Unfortunately, tension along racial lines is an ongoing reality for the church. How do we align ourselves with the gospel to create agency for the equity and inclusiveness of all races?
Caring for the Earth
Honoring God’s Covenant: Caring for the Earth
A Position Paper of the Free Methodist Church USA
God has an everlasting covenant with His earth, as well as with His people. Since we humans are God’s stewards on earth, called to care for the garden (Genesis 2:15), God’s earth covenant is our stewardship commission. This is particularly true for Free Methodists, called to “maintain the Bible standard of Christianity.”
Sanctified Sexuality
Sanctified Sexuality
A Position Paper of the Free Methodist Church USA
Introduction: God’s Gift of Sexuality
Sexual intercourse is God’s gift to humanity, for the intimate union of a man and woman within marriage. In this relationship, it is to be celebrative (Hebrews 13:4). Marriage, between one man and one woman, is therefore the only proper setting for sexual intimacy. Scripture requires purity before and faithfulness within and following marriage.
With deep compassion for persons who self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, and especially those who have been mistreated and marginalized in various settings, the Free Methodist Church encourages its congregations to practice welcoming hospitality and embracing lovingkindness toward all who desire to worship among us. We will be a people who offer ourselves as agents of Jesus’ grace and love to others – all others. We will trust the Holy Spirit to convict people of their sin, to enliven hope of transforming possibilities, and then to lead people to God’s best for their lives.
(From 2019 Book of Discipline, Par. 3311 A).
Use of Alcohol
The Free Methodist Church on the Use of Alcohol
A Position Paper of the Free Methodist Church USA
April 2022
…We trust the Holy Spirit to transform the believer’s life into the image of Jesus.
Therefore, with respect to alcohol, we recognize the biblically named sin of drunkenness and reject it in obedience to God’s Word. We recognize the special vulnerabilities that some have who are addicted to alcohol, some of whom are in recovery or moving in that direction. This recognition leads us to make our community gatherings, facilities, and activities alcohol free, so as not to cause people with vulnerabilities to struggle or fall.
We also recognize and respect our own history and community wisdom that has found total abstinence from alcohol to be the safest guard against the pervasive devastation of alcohol abuse in our U.S. culture. Although we will not legislate a life free from alcohol, we will make our best case for the appropriateness of abstaining from alcohol on the basis on Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience. Then, we will call upon all our members and adherents to consider abstention as a matter of personal conviction. Finally, in this matter as well, we will trust the Holy Spirit to guide earnest Free Methodists to a life that reflects the person of Christ and participates in His ongoing mission.
Above Board
Above Board
A Position Paper of the Free Methodist Church USA
A Contemporary FMC Understanding of and Approach to Problems of Secrecy, and Our Desire to Live Relationally in Christlike Harmony.
Secrets are universally popular for insiders of clubs, cliques, or organizations, but are not enjoyable for those adversely affected by them. In fact, trading in secrets can cause incalculable damage to individuals, groups, and entire organizations.