Give to Free Methodist Ministries
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Free Methodist Ministries

Give to Free Methodist World Missions
Bless the global church through gifts to missionaries, countries, projects, and leadership development. Thank you for blessing the global church.

Give to the Bishops’ Crisis Response Fund
Bless those who are enduring the effects of crises of many kinds. 100% of your gifts go directly to the point of need. Thank you for blessing the afflicted.

Give to the Set Free Movement
Bless those in bondage through human trafficking. Your gifts go to efforts that move those in bondage in the direction of freedom through efforts in ten countries. Thank you for setting captives free.

Give to the Marston Memorial Historical Center
Bless the efforts of our denomination to mine the past for the blessing of the present and future. Thank you for archiving our past for the blessing of the church today.

Give to the Ministry of ICCM
International Child Care Ministries is all about the health, education, and thriving of children throughout the world. Your gifts feed and educate children, keeping them safe and blessed with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for blessing the children.

Give to the Center for Pastoral Formation
Bless the future of the Center by adding to its endowment. The Center for Pastoral Formation guides ministerial candidates through tracking and education. Thank you for being a blessing to the CPF.

Give to Men’s Ministries International
MMI blesses men by creating fellowship, growth, and learning opportunities worldwide. Thank you for blessing the global efforts of MMI.

Give to the Free Methodist Chaplains Association
Connecting the community to Christ is how FM Chaplains bless people in their context daily. Your gifts help further the ministry of chaplaincy, which is engaged in numerous places around the nation. Thank you for blessing our chaplains.

Give to Light + Life Translation Ministry
Your gifts allow us to translate more resources into global languages. We bless the global and national church through translating key FM resources into numerous languages. Thank you for helping us bless the church.

Give to Free Methodist Bible Quizzing
FM Bible Quizzing regularly blesses the lives of teens through this exciting, fun, and gospel-engaging ministry. Your gifts bless the ministry through assisting with materials and expenses for quizzing events. Thanks for blessing our quizzers!