Discovering God-Given Revelation
by Rev. Brett Heintzman, Director of Communications and Director of the National Prayer Ministry
Living Joyfully Under the Authority of the Word of God
The following is intended to be a set of ways to approach and engage with the Bible—the Word of God. We pray that they bless you, encourage you, and help you live your life joyfully under the authority of the Word.
The Bible is not just another literary work — it is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16). This means that the living God who rules the whole universe has breathed its words into existence. For the believer, this changes everything. When we hold and read the Bible, our view of the Word becomes that of awe. We know that its words are not ordinary words, and its intent is not merely to inform. As God sends His Word to us, it comes with the intent to transform us – to become more like His Son, Jesus. As you approach the Bible, how does it make you feel? What do you sense? How do you receive its holy intent to transform you?
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” ( 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Holy Spirit-Inspired
The Holy Spirit guided the writers of the Scriptures. The Word’s accuracy, prophetic fulfillment, connectedness over centuries and generations, and the truth about God and people all speak to the divine influence that guided the writers of the Scriptures. The same Holy Spirit that hovered over the waters in creation hovered over the writers and guided their writing. Whether it be the Word’s narratives, law, poetry, wisdom, prophecy, imagery, letters, or gospels, it is all inspired by the Holy Spirit. How does this change the way you read the Scriptures? What difference does it make to you, the follower of Jesus, as you read the Word?
A Living Word
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).
What does it mean that the Word of God is alive? The Scriptures teach clearly that it is a living text, not a static or inert object. For you, the reader, this means that as you read the Scriptures, the Scriptures read you. A living Word gets inside you and begins to transform you. Just like a caterpillar goes through a metamorphosis to become a butterfly, we become as we read. How has the Word of God transformed you? What is the living word stirring or disrupting in your soul? How are you receiving the disruption – the challenge?
A Timeless Word
While the Bible is an ancient text, it is most certainly not an outdated text. The Bible speaks to the human condition – our predicament living in a fallen, broken world – our struggle with sin and evil – our need to be saved from sin and its penalty and delivered from its power and grip – our call to live a holy life that is pleasing to God – our salvation in Jesus Christ – our empowerment through the Holy Spirit – and our ultimate destiny when Christ returns to restore all things. These themes are timeless and apply to all humanity. How does this change the way you read your Bible? Regardless of the portion of Scripture you may be reading, what can you glean from its pages about the timeless condition of humanity? How does this change the way you apply the Word to your own life?
An Authoritative Word
God-breathed, Holy Spirit-inspired, living, and timeless – all of this points to the truth that the Word of God has authority over our lives. This authority is life-giving, not restrictive. To submit to its authority brings freedom and joy as we live the kind of life God intended for us from the beginning of time. Authority has the right to enforce obedience to laws or decrees. This definition leaves us feeling restricted, especially if we frame it in the context of local or national laws that we may disagree with yet are forced to obey. When it comes to the Word of God, we begin with a deep trust in God’s intent for our lives, and therefore, obedience becomes joyful. When we disagree with a precept God has spoken, we must surrender our will to His – not out of duty or obligation, but out of love for God.
“If you love me, keep my commands” (-Jesus in John 14:15).
To Know the Word…
“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11). Knowledge of the Word of God is not like data acquisition and memorization. The Word itself likens it to hiding it in your heart. What you acquire from reading the Word is holy knowledge that gets tucked away in your soul like a hidden treasure — like uploading a roadmap to a holy GPS. To know the Word is to hide the Word in your heart. Why? The Scriptures describe the desire to not sin against God. That is driven by love for God, not forced obedience. That’s why we want to know the Word intimately – because we love the Lord who breathed it into existence and that love drives us to desire a holy life that is pleasing to God.
…Is to Love the Word
“I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches” (Psalm 119:14). Those who love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength love His Word equally. How can we declare our love and devotion to the Lord and ignore His laws and commands? How has knowing the Word led to you loving the Word? Have you solidified your love for both God and His Word? Notice how the psalmist rejoices over the statutes of God! Whether it’s the Ten Commandments or Jesus’ sermon on the Mount, do you rejoice as you read? Do you long to obey out of love for the Lord? Love for the Lord and love for His word are inextricably linked for the people of God.
Read and Listen
“Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10b). God speaks today and continually contextualizes His timeless Word in timely ways for His children. As we read, we should also listen for the voice of the Lord. After all, we must apply the Word of God to our lives. This application guides our daily walk (ways of living) as we navigate a broken world, day by day. Whether you are at work on the job, in social settings, or interacting with others who do not know the Lord – wherever you find yourself and in whatever setting – You need a timely word from the Lord. As we hide the Word of God in our hearts, the Holy Spirit will recall His Word to mind and help us apply it to our situation. As you read the Word, use the words of Samuel, who said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” God will speak to You!
Corrective and Guiding
Because we have all sinned and are continually influenced by the brokenness of the world in which we live, we may find ourselves wandering from God’s ways as temptation seeks to draw us into the ways of the world. The truth is that we all need correction and thanks be to God that He loves us so much that His Word provides the correction we need. This is another reason why we hide the Word in our hearts – to be guided and corrected. Remember Paul’s words to Timothy, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). The Word is useful for our correction and training in righteousness. How has the Word guided and corrected you? When was the last time you intentionally sought out the Word for correction? How has the Word kept you from succumbing to temptation? Out of love for the Lord, we welcome His correction and guidance.
A Joy-Giving Word
“I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word” (Psalm 119:16). The Word of God delights the believer and is a great source of joy and strength. It is breathed from the loving voice of God who spoke the world into existence and is inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is living, timeless, timely, authoritative, corrective, guiding, and transformative. Are you feeling the joy? Are you rejoicing in the Word of God? Are you grateful for its authority over your life? Embrace the Word of God, and your steps will never stray. Love the Word, and obedience will flow from that love. Consume the Words of Scripture, and they will be hidden in your heart forever. Listen as you read and be guided in your daily living. Submit to the authority of the Word of God and experience unspeakable joy.

These full-color booklets will deepen your desire to live into the values of the Free Methodist Way. Each booklet focuses on various ways you or your small group, leadership board, or ministry team can pursue a life that reflects the values we all share and believe in so deeply. Engage with the values, pray that they will be a reality in your life or the life of your church, and learn more about them from our Strategic Catalysts who authored them.
They are ideal for new members, too, helping them be rooted in the values that define us as we all serve Christ and His Kingdom.