Learn to do right;
seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.
(Isaiah 1:17)
Around the globe, Free Methodists minister good news, justice, freedom, and opportunity to the widow, fatherless, oppressed, and poor. The world is our parish. Today, 95% of Free Methodists are located outside the United States, and that number is growing daily.
True freedom is rooted in the “truth that sets us free.” Free Methodists minister freedom through opportunity. Opportunity to know Christ and experience His freedom. Opportunity to thrive as they realize their full potential. Opportunity to be educated. Opportunity to break free from human trafficking. Opportunity to be free indeed!
Love is compelled to act. Jesus looked upon the crowds and had compassion on them, because they were lost, like sheep without a shepherd. Free Methodists act around the globe because love compels us to do so. In every continent, the love expressed through FM Global Ministries has taken root and bore the fruit of transformed lives.
Partners In Global Ministries of Freedom

Connect with God’s Heart for the World

Sponsor A Child – Change A World.