Who are Free Methodists Today?
We are about igniting a Spirit-Fueled Movement
Free Methodists seek the power of the Holy Spirit to visit our churches and communities, igniting a Spirit-Fueled Movement in our day. We desire to see the wounded healed, the broken-hearted encouraged, the lame walk, the dead be brought back to life, the darkness overcome with the light of Christ, and the Kingdom of God advance. Movements like this can only happen when the power of the Holy Spirit is unleashed through people who surrender themselves entirely to the Lord and His service. We are a people who hunger for igniting a Spirit-fueled movement in our day.
We are diverse churches with a rich diversity of people
Free Methodist congregations are knit together in a connected identity, yet different in every town, village, and city. We are diverse in locations, contexts, and our people as we seek to welcome and engage people from every language and nation.
We serve the Lord across the nation and world
For every four Free Methodists in the United States, there are 96 in the rest of the world.
We share five biblical values we call The Free Methodist Way

We value seven contemporary expressions of our historic freedoms
- Freedom of all races to worship together in unity.
- Freedom for the poor to be treated with dignity in the church and with justice in the world.
- Freedom for women and men to be treated respectfully and use their gifts equally in the church, in the home, and in the world.
- Freedom for laity to be fairly represented in the governing bodies of the church.
- Freedom from spiritual, political, social or conceptual alliances that compromise or subvert the exclusive allegiance we profess to Jesus Christ.
- Freedom to engage in worship that is moved and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
- Freedom from sin’s power through full surrender to God.
We share seven expected outcomes of fruitful ministry
- To be prayer saturated.
- To worship in the Spirit and Truth.
- To make disciples.
- To evangelize our communities.
- To reproduce – planting new churches.
- To engage our culture with the Gospel.
- To engage in world missions.
We are deeply rooted in historic Methodism
The Free Methodist Church was birthed in 1860 when Benjamin Titus Roberts, a pastor in the Methodist Episcopal Church, could no longer serve in harmony with their practices. B.T. Roberts observed that no church could support slaveholding, rent seats in the church, withhold women from full service in the church, and quench the movement of the Holy Spirit in public worship. Therefore he promoted freedom for all people from slavery, free seats in every house of worship, freedom for women to serve in all roles in the church including pastoral ministry, and freedom for the Holy Spirit to move in public worship.