How do we navigate politically polarized and emotionally charged days through true and authentic faith in Jesus Christ? We are kingdom people — citizens of a realm that transcends any earthly government. That worldview and the help of the indwelling Holy Spirit, along with being rooted in prayer and saturated in God’s Word, will guide us to peace amid these turbulent times.
This page contains articles, a podcast from our bishops, two free video courses, and a helpful video from Rev. Dr. Fraser Venter, Strategic Catalyst for Love-Driven Justice, to inform you and transform your approach to political polarization now and always.
Together, let’s be the salt of the earth and light of the world – unified as Christ prayed for us to be – that all may know Jesus as King.
Fraser Venter discusses remaining Kingdon-Centered during this divisive time in American history as we approach the 2024 election.
Free Video Courses
For nearly two decades, evangelical Christians across the political spectrum have used “For the Health of the Nation” to apply biblical principles to complex issues. Now, in partnership with RightNow Media, we have an 8-session video series that brings the content to life through dynamic biblical teaching.
Each teaching session (about 10-15 minutes) is complemented by a discussion guide that will enable small groups to have rich conversations as they go deeper into God’s Word. Christians will not always agree on the specifics of governance or the best roads to social transformation, but as part of holistic discipleship, we need to know how to apply biblical principles to the issues of our day.
NAE President Walter Kim hosts the series with teaching from five Christian leaders and pastors.
Session 1: Preserving Human Rights | Nicole Martin
Session 2: Protecting Religious Freedom & Liberty of Conscience | Ed Stetzer
Session 3: Pursuing Racial Justice & Reconciliation | Gabriel Salguero
Session 4: Seeking Justice & Compassion for the Poor | Eugene Cho
Session 5: Promoting Just Peace & Restraining Violence | Ed Stetzer
Session 6: Safeguarding the Nature & Sanctity of Human Life | Nicole Martin
Session 7: Strengthening Marriages, Families & Children | Gabriel & Jeanette Salguero
Session 8: Caring for God’s Creation | Eugene Cho
The series is available for FREE through an NAE portal on the RightNow Media platform. Make plans to incorporate this series in your church small groups, college classes and adult education opportunities.
Recommended Reading
Jesus and the Powers – NT Wright
Claiming the Courageous Middle – Shirley Mullen
Following Jesus in a Politically Divided World – John Whitaker
Exiles: The Church in the Shadow of Empire – Preston Sprinkle
Preaching to a Divided Nation – Matthew Kim