Free Methodist Church USA "let there be light" with Dove-Flame Mark. Orange and Blue.
The Free Methodist Way. Five Values that Shape Our Identity

Five Values that Shape our Identity

The Free Methodist Way in blue text. Gold and blue wave underneath.

FREE METHODISTS are first and foremost a Kingdom people. Yet throughout church history God has raised up distinct movements like ours to enrich the larger body of Christ. . . We call it The Free Methodist Way.

These full-color booklets will deepen your desire to live into the values of the Free Methodist Way. Each booklet focuses on various ways you or your small group, leadership board, or ministry team can pursue a life that reflects the values we all share and believe in so deeply. Engage with the values, pray that they will be a reality in your life or the life of your church, and learn more about them from our Strategic Catalysts who authored them.

They are ideal for new members, too, helping them be rooted in the values that define us as we all serve Christ and His Kingdom.

GOD’S CALL TO HOLINESS was never meant to be a burden, but a gift that liberates us for life that is truly life by delivering us from the destructive power of sin.

LOVE IS THE WAY WE DEMONSTRATE GOD’S HEART FOR JUSTICE by valuing the image of God in all men, women, and children, acting with compassion toward the oppressed, resisting oppression, and stewarding Creation.

THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST — the message He proclaimed, the life He lived, and the ministry He modeled — set into motion a redemptive movement destined to fill the whole earth.

FROM THE BEGINNING, GOD’S INTENT WAS TO HAVE A PEOPLE FROM EVERY NATION, culture and ethnicity, united in Christ and commissioned to carry out His work in the world.

WE HOLD UNWAVERINGLY to our conviction that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and our final authority in all matters of faith and practice.

Print Resources

Light and Life Bookstore carries several print resources in English and Spanish. These are excellent resources for membership classes and small group conversations and discussions around these five values.

PDF Document

Free Methodists are first and foremost a Kingdom people. Yet throughout church history God has raised up distinct movements like ours to enrich the larger body of Christ. Building on the legacies of John Wesley and B.T. Roberts, but always discerning where God is moving.

Extended Presentation (90 min)

Bishop Keith presents on the Free Methodist Way at Gateway Conference’s Leadership Summit 2021.
Download The FM Way Design Pack


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