Free Methodist Church USA "let there be light" with Dove-Flame Mark. Orange and Blue.

Befriending Our Emotions

Emotions as Guides Our emotions serve as guides to our inner landscape, leading us toward paths of connection and intimacy. However, many of us are taught early in life to view our emotions as mere distractions to our spiritual/relational journey – rather than...

A World-Changing Movement

  “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”                          Luke 19:10 (NIV)   What a powerful statement. Jesus was solidly focused on his purpose. When the crowd of so called “respectable” people began to talk, well let’s call it what...

God at Work

In my years of pastoring a local church, two topics usually always came up every time we had a pastors’ gathering, they were: people and money. “How’s your attendance?” and “What’s the shape of your budget?” It seemed to me, that these were battle fronts for my fellow...

Prayerful Pastors Speak with Power

Pastor Melissa felt fantastic after service last Sunday.  As people left church several commented, “Great sermon, pastor!” She knew it, too. She saw tears in eyes. People laughed at all the right times, humor and illustrations were inserted with care to align with the...