Free Methodist Church USA "let there be light" with Dove-Flame Mark. Orange and Blue.

Disasters strike at any time. Hurricanes have ravaged the US, and recent flooding in Asia has displaced thousands of people and left them in need of aid. The Bishops Crisis Response Fund exists for moments like these. Your generosity ensures that we can offer timely responses when disaster strikes. Would you consider a gift to the fund today? Bless you, for adding to our ability to respond to those in need.

One of Five Values that Shape our Identity

GOD’S CALL TO HOLINESS was never meant to be a burden, but a gift that liberates us for life that is truly life by delivering us from the destructive power of sin

Our Mission is to…

Love God

Love the Lord your God
with all your heart
and with all your soul
and with all your mind.
This is the first and
greatest commandment.

(Matthew 22:37-38 NIV)


Love People

And the second is like it:
Love your neighbor
as yourself.
All the Law and
the Prophets hang
on these two commandments.

(Matthew 22:39-40 NIV)

Make Disciples

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

(Matthew 28:19-20 NIV)

Igniting a Spirit-Fueled Movement Worldwide

For every four Free Methodists in the United States, there are 96 in the rest of the world! God has ignited a global movement in the Free Methodist Church. Come and join us in that movement!

You are the Free Methodist Church

The church is you. You are the church.

Without thousands of people just like you being the Body of Christ for the world, there is no Free Methodist Church. Click through to read more about the ways the church is impacting its communities for Christ. 

Read & Be Inspired

Free Methodist Global Ministries

Connect With God's Heart for the World

Free Methodist World Missions makes disciples by mobilizing the global church and empowering international leaders to establish transformational churches.

Bishops' Crisis Response Fund

Gifts are applied to the most pressing needs around the world.


Give Online to FM Global Ministries

Sponsor A Child, Change A World

ICCM is active in more than 30 countries. Sponsor a child for $38 a month and change a world. Hundreds of children are waiting.

Move In the Direction of Freedom

Together we can protect the vulnerable — fighting trafficking one neighborhood at a time.
Light + Life Magazine. Articles + Discipleship + Media. Picture of man reading a tablet.
Luz y Vida Revista. Discipulado digital. Woman reading tablet.
Light and Life Bookstore. Light Your Path. Picture of an open Bible.
Light and Life Bookstore. Light Your Path. Picture of an open Bible.

The Communications, Publishing, and Media Ministry of the Free Methodist Church

Free Methodist Ministries

Association of Free Methodist Educational Institutions. Small banner with school icon and university logos.

Free Methodist Educational Institutions

Seminaries, Universities, Colleges, and Schools

The Center for Pastoral Formation Free Methodist Church USA

A resource center for theological education and practical training platforms to equip the next generation of ministry leaders, track their progress, and uphold standards for ministerial credentialing.

Justice Network of the Free Methodist Church

Stewardship Well Done.

Helping you manage the resources entrusted to your care.

Chaplains Association of the Free Methodist Church

Care – Counsel – Christ

Justice Network of the Free Methodist Church

Association of Human Service Ministries

Providing faith-driven solutions to some of the most challenging concerns of our time. Serving as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ on behalf of the Free Methodist Church USA.

Marston Memorial Historical Center + Free Methodist Archive

Preserving Free Methodist heritage and transmitting it faithfully to each generation. Access online resources, historical e-books, peruse the collection, and subscribe to the newsletters. 

Helping to create and sustain the passion and practice of intercessory prayer for local, regional and national transformation.

The international overarching body of the Free Methodist denomination.

Free Methodist Conversations

Articles intended to generate open, thoughtful, and respectful discussions on various present-day topics.

US Churches

US Members

Global Membership